Practical information

Find here all the practical information you need to come to Leman Forest Park and find answers to questions such as what to wear to go tree climbing, at what age can a child go tree climbing? the access map to come to the park, the weather conditions, …


The Leman Forest park is located in Saint Gingolph, find all the information on the access and the access map > >

Frequently asked questions

Read our FAQ to find answers to all your practical questions.


Check the weather before coming, we suggest the following sites, you can also contact us in case of doubt:

Payment methods

– Euros € and Swiss Francs CHF
– Swiss Francs: change given in € at the rate indicated in the price list

Cards accepted :
– CB / Visa / Mastercard
– Contactless from 1 €.

Transfers (groups >20 practitioners only)


Rules of procedure

It is important to read the rules and regulations of the Leman Forest park, because they tell you how to practice the tree climbing safely. Download the Rules of Procedure below.

Parental authorization for minors aged 16-17

Accompanying adults can leave 16 and 17 year olds alone in the park to practice the tree climbing provided they fill out a parental authorization form to be downloaded below (in french only).