Practical information
Find here all the practical information you need to come to Leman Forest Park and find answers to questions such as what to wear to go tree climbing, at what age can a child go tree climbing, how to get to the park, weather conditions, …
The Leman Forest park is located in Saint Gingolph, find all the information on the access and the access map > >
Frequently asked questions
Read our FAQ to find answers to all your practical questions.
Schedule for accessing to the courses
Access to the courses is generally closed 45 minutes before the park closes. Adventurers are also invited to get off the course 20 minutes before the park closes.
Reservation required
The reservation is now mandatory since the crisis of the covid, taking into account the sanitary protocol, and with the aim of fluidifying the arrivals of practitioners
Unscheduled closures and cancellations
In case of bad weather (important rains, strong wind, risk of storms or thunderstorms, pessimistic weather forecasts…), or for any other technical cause, Leman Forest can be brought to close the courses without notice temporarily or for the complete day or to modify the schedules or to cancel the reservations.
In case of doubt, it is better to contact us before coming.